ParentCorps Packages
ParentCorps is not an out-of-the-box solution - rather, we’re a capacity-building model that works with school districts and Head Starts to center families and social-emotional learning in the early childhood education experience.
We offer professional development, a parenting program for families of pre-K children, and a social-emotional learning curriculum for pre-K classrooms. These components are offered both a la carte and together to meet systems’ unique needs. Our goal is to build a tailored scope of work that fits your needs and work flexibly throughout partnership.
To learn more about packages and pricing, get in touch with us.
Funding: What to Know
Our school district and Head Start partners pay for ParentCorps in a range of ways. Here’s what to know to determine which funding stream may be the best fit.
Federal, State & Local Funding
Federal Funding
Local & Philanthropic Funding
ParentCorps directly aligns with numerous "school readiness" funding sources at the federal, state and local levels.
Our programming effectively addresses 14 out of the 21 dimensions of school readiness endorsed by the National Education Goals Panel, helping to improve both children’s readiness for school and schools' readiness for children.
Title I-A Funds: ParentCorps helps school systems to enhance family and caregiver involvement and foster home-school connection, making it feasible for education departments to allocate Title I-A funding, including state grants, for partnership.
Title II-A Funds: ParentCorps Professional Development supports teachers and leaders to effectively engage parents and caregivers and foster essential learning readiness skills in all students, and thus qualifies for Title II-A Funds.
Title III Formula Grants: ParentCorps Professional Development supports Title III formula grants by equipping educators to effectively engage families and children of diverse backgrounds, including immigrant families and children who speak languages other than English.
Preschool Development Grants: ParentCorps is eligible for funding under Preschool Development Grants, with high alignment based on the specific focus of a state's award, particularly grants supporting family engagement and culturally responsive teaching.
ESSER Funds: In states granted extensions, ParentCorps remains eligible for purchase using Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds.
Head Start Funding: ParentCorps aligns with Head Start standards, allowing grantees to use Head Start funds for partnership. Featured in the Head Start Parenting Curricula Review Database, it equips staff to engage parents as lifelong educators and qualifies for Quality Improvement Funds under the Head Start Act.
Funding policies vary depending on your location, and additional support may be available in your community. We're eager to explore a range of funding available to you, including city and state-specific funding and local philanthropic opportunities.To discuss funding opportunities to bring ParentCorps to your school district or Head Start community, reach out to us.